Why alien life should be kept secret

Emily Babblertik
4 min readApr 20, 2023


Before I begin I highly recommend you read the following after you read this, my other works and what others have written on here: https://theconversation.com/evolution-tells-us-we-might-be-the-only-intelligent-life-in-the-universe-124706 I like the scene in men in black and it pertains here were Will Smith’s character believes people should know about the aliens on Earth because people are smart and can handle it. The other guy then correctly responds that a person is smart but people are dumb panicky animals and you know that.
There are plenty of reason why the general public should not know about alien life and why any intelligent life forms should stay clear of Earth. Unless they want out resources which they can take easily if they are advanced enough to get here there is not intelligent of logical reason for them to show themselves. Yes, it would be easy for them to take our resources, unlike what any movie may suggest. The nation in which they land will have a big impact as to how they are treated. It would be devastating to them, if they are peaceful, if they land in the wrong country or area. Countries such as the United States, North Korea, Russia, most of the Middle East, Pakistan and many other countries will not be friendly to them. They will be greeted with weapons drawn and certainly mistreated or even killed. Countries I feel would be safe would be Greenland, Switzerland, Iceland, any Scandinavian country, a few countries in Africa and South America and perhaps a few more. Not only will they be mistreated by the military but also the police, which some may say are the rich mans bitch and the governments bitch but I will not get into that.
Remember that most people like easy answers and many religions already have claimed any aliens are demons. It would not be hard for some authoritarian on any side of the ideological spectrum to demonize the alien life if the aliens do not share their values or beliefs. Remember most people are small minded and fearful and will act aggressively to anything that is different. Many people think the whole world revolves around them and others exist to serve them. They think everyone is thinking of them which is why they think people can always hear and understand them and any action is directed at them. Imagine how much worse they would be to alien life. Remember the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks? In one scene he is so lonely so he begins talking to a basketball as if it were real. I remember a woman in the theater asking her husband/boyfriend why he was doing that and he stated that the guy was going crazy. People’s inability and unwillingness to see things through other people eyes will be more harmful to intelligent aliens coming to Earth. It will be nearly impossible to understand the aliens but humans will just automatically assume the aliens understands them and our customs. I doubt there will be many people even remotely capable of seeing things from the aliens perspective since they cannot do it for each other.
Most people and many governments will react first and think later since hey have no rational thought. Imagine how the police will respond and you understand what I said about them earlier. Look at Covid and how unwilling many were to protect others. They did not want to wear masks because they did not care if they spread it to others since the mask prevented the spread more than it protected the person wearing it. Look at easily people listen and believe misinformation, the right more so than the left, and you will see what would happen if aliens came to Earth or if any one from the future made their presence known.
Look at all the bad drivers and how they only think of themselves. They cannot read simple road signs or follow the line differentiated the lanes. Look at how they treated others. Imagine then how much worse many of these people would be to alien life. Still don’t believe then look at the American Indians and world history. No matter the race or culture the more advance destroyed the less advanced and not always on purpose. Many times diseases were brought in that wiped out whole communities. Honestly i think our diseases would be worse for the aliens since they most likely would have rid themselves of harmful pathogens but I doubt humans would think to do the same.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and read other stuff I wrote. Please check my bio and yes there are many more reason why Intelligent life should be kept secret and why I feel they should avoid us. One thing that I have learned is that for a vast majority of people, the idea for helping someone else, thinking about someone else, doing something for someone else, being kind to someone else just turns their stomach. Most people are thoughtless, cruel, self-absorbed, self-centered, mean-spirited evil creatures. Perhaps thousands of years from now if people are still around that will change.



Emily Babblertik

I admit I am not a good writer but I enjoy writing, reading, MMA, working out and gaming. Check out my LinkTree for all my sites: https://linktr.ee/ferrariking