The Mother
This is a true story of Grace Wakefield. Grace Wakefield was your typical narcissistic self-absorbed person. She was medium height and had a medium build. She married Christopher Wakefield and had 2 daughters. Christopher was the same size and build as Grace. Christopher would try anything to make Grace happy but nothing made Grace happy but money and having power over people. No matter what Chris did for her she simply replied, “This is all you care about me.” Chris worked long hours to have money to spend for Grace’s spending. Grace was not any better with her daughters. She rarely held them or paid any attention to them. Her daughter’s name was Jasmine and Becky. Jasmine was the eldest and most curious while Becky spent a lot of time crying. Grace usually showed her annoyance for her children by locking them up.
One night Grace and Christopher got in a huge argument and Grace pushed Christopher into a glass table, which caused him to break his neck. Grace told the cops that Christopher would abuse her and tried to harm her and she feared for her life so she pushed him away. As Grace was shaking while talking to the police her conversation was cold and deliberate, “I can’t believe what happened. I just wanted to stop him from hurting the children and me and this is not the first time he hurt me. He pushed Becky against a wall last week and knocked me into the refrigerator last night because he said I could not cook. I am such a bad person.” The police officers felt bad for her due to her lies so they comforted her and did not try to verify her story. Christopher was buried a few days later and afterwards strange things happened through the house.
At first the noises started out as someone running through the house and doors opening and closing then they progressed to yelling. Grace would have nightmares about some dark force moving over her and she could feel the covers being pulled from her. A month after Christopher’s death she came home with her children to see all the doors open and written on the walls the words “You will pay.” Through the following nights she felt her bed shake and move across the floor and she heard her children screaming and she ran to their rooms to find them fast asleep. The next day Jasmine got real sick but Grace refused to take her to the hospital and Jasmine being only five died a few days later followed by Becky. Now she could constantly hear voices and she could hear her children crying, “Mother why you let us die. We loved you and you killed father; he told us everything that happened.” She started trembling since she heard those words daily. She tried to eat but the plate would always be moved out of her way after she took a few bites. Every morning she could feel the grip of someone’s hand around her throat. A year after her husband’s death she awoke to find her hair shaved and the refrigerator damaged and the water running. Rats and other vermin now ruled her house and she was covered in boils. Her teeth fell out and she had aged twenty years in just one year.
After the first anniversary of her daughter’s death she felt she could make amends with her husband and her daughters since she had been driven out of her mind by their haunting her she decided to dig up her daughters and bring them back to the house. She placed both coffins in front of her and as she wept she said, “My little angles I am so sorry mommy was never good to you. I am sorry for killing your father and lying about it.” After she finished her confession she heard her husband’s voice say, “If you are sincere then call the police now and tell them everything as well as send a letter to the media and then return to our daughters.” She did as she was told. She sat in front of the her daughters coffins when suddenly she heard a loud creak and the coffin doors flew open and her daughters jumped out and grabbed her and tore her to pieces.
The police arrived and found the 2 coffins and Grace’s body throughout the house. Grace’s head was found in the microwave with the words, “Scum bag,” written on it. The bodies of her daughters were never found. This is the true story of Grace Wake field. She was a horrible person to both her children and her husband. She used people’s ignorance against them by claiming her husband abused her and had allowed her daughters to die. Now she paid the ultimate price.