Tall Man’s Syndrome

Emily Babblertik
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Our society has a term for short men that are overly aggressive like a human Chihuahua but nothing about overgrown men (mostly men) that are overly aggressive but mainly towards weaker or smaller people since they are too cowardly to behave aggressively towards other men their size or bigger. Just like most short men do not suffer from Short Man’s Syndrome, most Tall Men do not suffer from what I term Tall Man’s Syndrome. My definition of Tall Man’s Syndrome is a tall man who uses his size to bully others but mainly bullies those that are smaller or weaker than them. They are also abusive and possessive of the women they date.
When I was younger I use to enjoy wrestling and I remember this one wrestler that stood neat 7 feet tall. This guy was huge and so very intimidating but he was known as a kind gentle person; his wrestling name was Big Show. He played the heel (bad guy) but told stories how because of his size it can take him several minutes to get out of his car and he would usually see men chatting up his wife. He mentioned it never bothered him and those men were usually respectful was they knew he was his wife were together. That man obviously did not have Tall Man’s Syndrome. I can think of UFC fighter and many big, tall or huge guys in sports that were normal. Some may be aggressive but not to the point of having Tall Man’s Syndrome just like many short guys may be aggressive but do not have Short Man’s Syndrome.
Many years ago I worked at a grocery store and this tall man, probably close to 6 foot 5 talk me to stop staring at his wife as he came around the corner. Now hi wife was not in my view and I was busy looking at the carts I was bringing back into the store. When his wife finally came around the corner I could see that she looked miserable. This man had Tall Man’s Syndrome. Do you think he would have behaved in such a way to another man his height or taller? Of course, because like anyone with Tall Man’s Syndrome he was a coward at heart. During a Christmas season at the same grocery store a tall man bullied an old man out of a Christmas tree which he did not even buy. He just wanted to bully a shorter person in front of his wife and embarrassed looking son. Do you think he would have bullied a man his own height or taller? Again of course not. Whether a short person suffers from Short Man’s Syndrome or a tall person suffers from Tall Man’s Syndrome, they are both cowards at heart. Now I am sure you all know that Short Man’s and Tall Man’s Syndrome are not real things but a good way to describe these people.
Many years ago I was at a dentist office and listened as a tall man tried to bully the staff, didn’t work out for him, and then commanded his miserable look wife to follow him. She was very obedient. Imagine a short man with Short Man’s Syndrome dating a woman that is more than a foot taller and muscular trying to bully her. That would be a sight.
Those with Tall Man’s Syndrome will make fun of smaller guys like a lot of rich people will make fun of poor people or a man with Short Man’s Syndrome thinking all women want tall men as if women are a monolith wanting the same thing in men. Please note men are also not a monolith all wanting the same attributes in women,
Please notice when you watch the news that it is the taller men that randomly attack people, especially the elderly or push them on subway tracts. There is a lot more I could come up with and I hope you enjoy.



Emily Babblertik
Emily Babblertik

Written by Emily Babblertik

I admit I am not a good writer but I enjoy writing, reading, MMA, working out and gaming. Check out my LinkTree for all my sites: https://linktr.ee/ferrariking

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