Suggested Indigenous History Books to Read

Emily Babblertik
4 min readDec 29, 2022


There are a lot of good books on indigenous history and colonizers that encountered them. I will give a few suggestions and the history as you can imagine is not pretty. I have heard claims that only the indigenous are true Americans and everyone else are colonizers. You will hear various versions of this claim and at the same time the people making this claim and/or agreeing to it have no clue how racist they sound and many do not care. Well, here is a background, in England there was a white supremacist that told told a black man, (this man was born in England and spoke British English) that he was not truly English because his heritage is African. The same people agreeing with the comment that only the indigenous are true Americans are not different than that racist man, Richard Spencer. I had to start with this because these ethnocentric, nationalistic folk are just so disgustingly evil and they do not even realize it.
Another complaint you hear from some people is that whites should not present history of other cultures. This is their racist, ethnocentric, nationalistic hate talking. All history is human history and anyone can learn it and write about it.
The first book I recommend is, Trail of Tears, the rise and fall of the Cherokee Nation by John Ehle In my opinion this is a must read if you want to learn about the event leading up to the Trail of Tears and the Trail of Tears itself. Many Cherokee adapted to the white man’s ways but once gold was found on their lands the greed of many took hold.Some Cherokee would be hunted down after the Trail of Tears since many of them were accused of selling out their own people. This is a must read.
Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown This is another wonderfully written book about the history leading up to Wounded Knee and how a group of bloodthirsty soldiers shot many unarmed indigenous people because a deaf guy could not understand their command.
Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne This book tells the story of the Comanche, the most powerful tribe in American history. To be honest the Comanche will not come across as good people and in my opinion they were just bloodthirsty. They slaughtered people without mercy and tortured and sexually assaulted their victims, indigenous and colonizer alike. The author makes a point that they were no worse than many cultures in Europe and the rest of the world when they were at that point of technology.
The Heart of Everything that is by Bob Drery and Tom Clavin This book tells the story of the Sioux and their battle to keep their land. You will learn of Red Cloud and many historical figures. Another theme you will learn in this book and the others I mentioned is that it was arrogance that cost so many soldiers lives. They continuously underestimated the indigenous people and paid for it with their lives.
Lie My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen Although not a book on indigenous history it does contain a chapter that you must read on indigenous history. This book like the others are a must read.
Now I will go on a bit of a rant. Above I mentioned the claim that only the indigenous are true Americans, and these people will make other outlandish claims. They do it for money, views, shock value and to breed hate. I have also heard a false claim that the American Indians evolved in America. If this were true than this would make them a separate species and we could not interbreed. Also the Bering Strait bridge was not debunked, only the free ice corridor (can’t remember the exact name). Remember science changes as it gets new data and proof is needed to make such changes. Amazing the claims people will make because they cannot stand a white person making these claims but they fail to realize that scientists from around the world have studied human migration, evolution and such and came to the same conclusions. We evolved in Africa and migrated out. No scientist is going to stake his reputation on a known lie. The fact that some of these people get upset when a white person makes a claim just reveals their ignorance and racism.
Please read my article where I reviewed Woke Inc. and Fake for more information. I am going to define here what I feel free speech is not. Free Speech is not spreading violence or threats of violence. It is not about insulting people based on gender, race, sexual orientation or identity. I have no problem with social media platforms banning people for the above.
I hope you enjoyed and please read my other articles, check my bio and read the articles written by others



Emily Babblertik
Emily Babblertik

Written by Emily Babblertik

I admit I am not a good writer but I enjoy writing, reading, MMA, working out and gaming. Check out my LinkTree for all my sites:

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