Some reasons why I hate people

Emily Babblertik
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Why I hate people, let me count the ways. They are very unforgiving. Sure they want you to forgive them but how dare you say or do something they don’t like. Some of them such as leftist will try to destroy your life. Never expect another human being to forgive you. It does not matter how many times you may have forgiven them. Never underestimate a person’s willingness to screw over another person. If your boss, coworkers or friends and even family can find a way to screw you over they will. This is more true of people at work, school or strangers. How many times have you been driving down the road and been cut off or have some prick make it difficult for you to merge? How many times have you allowed a person to switch lanes to get in front of you only to have them drive slowly or slam on the breaks? If people think you have money they will try even harder to screw you. They want your money and therefore we have socialist such as Bernie Sanders and AOC. Family members want your money, friends, neighbors all want that money and will falsely accuse you of terrible things to steal that money. Scum such as Bernie and AOC will lie about the rich and will not let people know how they can make money. There are too many ways a person will try to screw you over to list here. Perhaps I could make another video someday about it or you could. They will stop at nothing to screw you over. From costing you, your job, friends, money, family, an education to costing you, your life. Men. Oh god where do I start? Many try too damn hard to prove how tough they are and are easily provoked into confrontation but mainly against smaller guys since they are cowards. They are always trying to show how tough they are, and many are just rude. Everything must be a competition with them. Although women are more sexist, men are much more sex crazed. Women. They simply are more sexist and aggressive than men but hide it. They will call sexist men incels but many of them are no different. They simply don’t want men to have a voice. Women are average get to say and do whatever they want with very little consequences. If they get into trouble some brainless man will jump to their defense without knowing the situation. People are extremely thoughtless and cruel. Don’t believe then go to your local supermarket, mall or just drive. People think only they exist. If you are in a grocery store, notice how the creatures will place their carts in the middle of the isle of park their little carts directly next to another cart. They then have that stupid look on their face when they realize other people exist and they are blocking them. People are incapable of seeing how their actions affect others. They will not wait to a faster drive passes before changing lanes. Your fellow students or co-workers will only help themselves because they are too dumb to realize all of our lives would be easier if we helped each other. People would rather hurt you than help you. Instead of going to you when you offend them they go to your teacher or boss. Think about that. They are so weak and pathetic they cannot let something go or just come to you. They must try to cause you to lose your job. How dare you do the same to them, because they think they are so perfect but in reality they are pathetic scumbags. People only help themselves not you. I can keep going but what’s the point. I may just continue with this later and break into a series. Of course, I am not saying I hate all people. There are a few good people left but don’t let your guard down.



Emily Babblertik
Emily Babblertik

Written by Emily Babblertik

I admit I am not a good writer but I enjoy writing, reading, MMA, working out and gaming. Check out my LinkTree for all my sites:

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