Rise of the Sycophants
In this article I want to rant about some of the worst people among us: the sycophants. These people will follow anyone or thing no matter how horrible they or it is. They defend the indefensible.
There are actually people that still defend Trump and his cronies. Before I start, please not that a lot of commenters on social media apps are paid to always defending Trump, Musk and other elitist. It was mentioned before so you can google it, and they still qualify as sycophants. The fact that people can still defend Trump, the current crop of Christians (please look up what the bible actually says about taking care of the poor, single mothers and aliens and about not oppressing them). No matter what anyone shows about Trump or his cronies you will find his little sycophants defending him. Well, not defending him, but insulting those that are against him. Truly disgusting.
There are still people that defend cops and elitists. Cops are here to defend the elite and please look up which group gets the most tickets: hint, it’s the poor. These private prisons are designed to make sure that if a person gets out, they will go right back in and cops are fine with that, please note I am not talking about all cops, just most. People actually think Billionaires use their money to build corporations to create jobs and help others. They ignore the money they take from the government to buy back their stock in order to inflate their wallet, but those same sycophants will complain about free healthcare, food for school kids, and free education which would all help society a lot more than these Billionaires. Increase wages and better access to education and healthcare will allow a lot of poor to break the cycle and would lower crime but corporation and the elite do not want that. They need people uneducated and poor. They need the cop slaves to be putting people in jail and yet the sycophants approve of it all even though they are hurt by the system they support. Even the cops are hurt by it but they are the biggest sycophants. I actually saw a video where a sycophant said equality was communism. That’s how delulu they are. Anything, from helping the poor, better wages and education as well as affordable healthcare is communism. They are just boot licking sycophants.
These sycophants still think college is worth it. Republicans and MAGA clowns would not be able to rag on education and colleges if jobs requiring a college education didn’t pay so poorly. You can make more money going to Trade School or Certification Program. Most jobs want you to have 3–5 years of experience for entry level which is dumb as hell, but these aren’t smart people. They want to pay you $35,000 a year after you get your post doc and 10 years’ experience in a STEM field. Of course, sycophants don’t want wages increased because it affects the rich. By the way if raising wages also raising the cost of goods and services than why is automation and self-checkout not lower prices? Perhaps if a job requires a college education, they should pay a decent wage. Sycophants to the rich are more than happy with the wages gap between CEOs and the workers and will say anything to defend it. They all claim to own business too which is funny. When people were mentioning that jobs that are looking for entry level but want 3–5 years of experience some clowns then replied they wanted an entry level Neurosurgeon job as if that was the same. In order to become a doctor, you deal with 4 grueling years of Medical School, and then you have years of Fellowship and Residency where you get trained.
I hope you enjoyed this little rant and will read more of my articles.