Review of Fake by Robert Kiyosaki and Woke Inc. by Vivek Ramaswamy
Before I start I want to mention that I find two other books great for financial wisdom and they are, Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss & The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.
Fake by Robert Kiyosaki will open your eyes about our monetary system an the thing that Richard Nixon and his kind did to the American dollar. Robert is a big believer in hard assets such as gold, silver owning property and the like over paper assets such as stocks and bonds. After reading this book and other by him I believe you will come to agree with him. The only real problem I have with any videos or books about financial freedom is that they claim anyone can do it and i know that is not true. You have to have some money. It is the same as people telling you that you can create a side hustle, making videos, writing and such and make money. No guarantee that will happen. Robertr Kiyosaki is a bit more realistic and he beleives in silver more than gold simply because silver is more affordable.
In Woke Inc., by Vivek Ramaswamy you will learn how Wokeness is used by corporations and even countries for money and/or power. This is a must read if you support the Woke agenda. Nothing wrong with being Woke but do not think for a second any country or business cares any more about it than how it will affect their bottom line.
Now I am going to go on a bit of a ramble about Wokeness and I hope you continue to read.
Before I start everyone that claims to be WOKE should know Harron’s razor — Never attribute to malice that which could be stupidity or ignorance. If someone says something you dislike, remember they may not know better and need correcting. You hear a lot of these WOKE people say, “they do not have to educate you,” well then do not expect things to get better. I have seen a video that claims to be from 1968 we a group of American-American teenagers get verbally attacked in a white neighborhood. One of the girls makes a claim that it would not happen to the white kids in black neighborhoods. First off, many people doubt the authenticity of the video due to anachronisms and I grew up in a predominately black neighborhood and know first hand that she is wrong. I expect her to say what she did considering her emotional state but people watching the video should know better.
A while back A movie called The Little Mermaid was made into live action and some people lost their minds. First off, I am glad they are finally make more black female leads. Second this was done and things like this for the clear purpose of causing debate so they can make money not because the company cares about social issues. Far Cry New Dawn is the only game or media that has 2 black female villains. Can you imagine Hollywood having the backbone to do that?
I enjoy watching videos of African creators and many complain that because of Americans people are afraid to get dreadlocks and braids. It’s a shame Americans, (you should hear the nicknames they and other nations give to Americans and America because of Wokeness), cannot tell the difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation. Can you imagine the headache trying to figure out what belongs to what culture so you do not offend these people since we live in a multicultural society and please note in this whole rambling of mine I am only talking about the extreme WOKE folk and the same in any videos I have made in the past. By the way, both the Far Left and Far Right use emotions to manipulate so do not fall into the trap of thinking it is only the Left. Also the Right is just as good as cancel culture as the Left. I disagree with a lot of people but I do not want their lives ruined but the extreme left and extreme right simply do not care who or what they destroy.
Many people on the left are anti-capitalism but historically both socialism and communism tend to lead to dictatorship. You just cannot give people that much power and please review what socialism and communism is and you can easily see why they lead to a totalitarian government.
People bring up the racism of the Right and forget the Far Left seems to really hate white people and men. You will find more anti-white and anti-male content on social media than the other way around. These people say some really nasty stuff about white people and men. Now I do not completely blame these people since all you learn in school is white male dominated history. History of slavery all around the world needs to be taught as well as the Muslim Jihad, Mongol and Japanese colonization, Indigenous atrocities before and as the white man arrived in the America needs to be taught. Of course there is more and sadly this will not be taught because the Left had an agenda they must defend and the Right will just call it Critical Race Theory or Woke.
Something I find interesting is many content creators will gladly tell you about the Moors colonizing and enslaving parts of Europe but immediately forget they are admitting that Africans did colonize parts of Europe. There are some great books that teach you about the Arabs and Muslim invaders that you will not be taught in schools. Jihad by Paul Fregosi and The Tragedy of the Templars by Michael Haag are good ones. Trust me the Christians are not any more vile at that time than the Muslims. Only the Jews can claim to be unfairly persecuted.
Do not abandon family for these clowns. Just because you have political differences doesn’t mean you turn away from them. Just don’t talk about politics or religion or you will greatly regret it at their funeral. By the way those politicians, that political party, or other ideological or religious groups will not be there for you.
Ever notice you cannot criticize Biden without being called a conservative, MAGA or Trump supporter or criticize Trump without being called a liberal, democrat or Biden supporter. I do not have to agree with everything that either party or any politicians says or does. I have a mind and I do not need a political party or politician to tell me how to think. Please people think for yourselves, these rich people will not be there for you.
Please remember the Andrew Tates and his female versions are actually a small minority of men and women. They do it for shock value, out of hatred and money.
I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and please read my other articles and articles written by others and then check out my social media.