Resident Evil Village Review
I will give you guys my review of Resident Evil Village, and it may contain a few spoilers, so you have been warned.
In Resident Evil Village, you are playing as Ethan Winters again and it starts out with him having some time with his wife, Mia and their daughter Rose. The Winter family thought they could escape the horrors of Resident Evil 7 by moving t Europe. Chris Redfield crashes their family time and pops off Mia, or so it may appear. Later Ethan Winters comes to in a crazy village out of Bloodborne. In fact, many creatures remind of Bloodborne, and the crazy tall lady’s brother looks like a hunter from Bloodborne.
Resident Evil Village takes place a few years after Resident Evil Biohazard. When Ethan Winters is thrust into the village, he will learn from the few survivors that his daughter, Rose has been taken by Mother Miranda who may be doing so crazy experiments. The village is besieged by wolf-men and zombies. When Ethan Winters is allowed to enter their safe haven, one man objects rather furiously and against a wounded man being allowed in. I will let you guys figure out what happens.
Resident Evil Village has plenty of puzzles and the action is not as Resident Evil 5or Resident Evil 6, which in my opinion is the worse one, although worth playing. Resident Evil Village has the perfect combination of action and horror. I liked the scene where Ethan Winters gets his hand chopped off and simply applies some fluid to reattach it. That whole scene is just funny, from the hand being chopped off, being chased and then him reattaching his hand. This game, in my opinion was fun to play but those parts just made it hilarious.
In Resident Evil 7 we are also introduced to a new character named, Duke who sells us upgrades and items we may need. If you feed him and has more stuff for you. I am not sure how he is able to survive but he does. The part that may offend some is the fact that Duke is extremely overweight and is portrayed as slovenly.
Resident Evil 7 keeps with the puzzles of its predecessors. You will need to go through many areas to find keys, masks and such to open doors. Apparently, a part of the evil of our adversaries in this game is to create elaborate puzzles for Ethan Winters and to hide the keys, masks and such all over the place while you are being chased by and assortment of creatures and of course Lady Dimitrescu. She will be hunting you in the castle, especially after you mistreat one of her daughters. She is of course not happy with Ethan.
Lady Dimitrescu’s brother, as I have mentioned, looks like a hunter from Bloodborne. Apparently the two do not get along but that is another story. He will come for you with werewolf type creatures.
As you can expect, the game does pick up on the action as you go through the game. First ammo will be scarce and as the action picks up then the weapons and ammo become more plentiful. I thoroughly enjoy this game, but I do feel Resident Evil Biohazard was better. It is worth playing and you may find it interesting how Mother Miranda ties in with the Umbrella Corporation. If you enjoy the Resident Evil series than you will enjoy this one. This game mixes horror and action well and near the end it will be more action than anything else.
I hope you enjoyed my review and please read my other stories, subscribe to my YouTube channel (Ferrari King) and follow me on Twitch (FerrariKing1955) On my YouTube channel you can go to the about me section and follow the links. Thanks for your time.