My thoughts on the assassination of The United Heathcare CEO Brain Thompson
By now almost everyone has heard of the assassination of Brian Thompson of The United Heathcare and before I begin, I want to mention I do not condone violence although I understand it may be the only means to exact change. Honestly if I knew who this guy is I would turn him in. You have to realize how unhinged a person has to be to do something like this, but this doesn’t mean I do not understand why. The world can do without elite scum such as Brian Thompson that profited of suffering and death. If you look up what a psychopath is, you will learn they seek positions of power.
We have people now that are licking boots of these elitist as I mentioned in another article, I wrote about Billionaire bootlickers. They are doing more than condemning those that are celebrating Brian’s death. They tend to support the elite and try to make this anti-liberal as if only liberals and democrats have no empathy for that guy. Let the record show I also have no empathy for such as guy. I simply have no empathy or respect for his kind. Here is what Elon Musk allegedly said, “It’s disgusting how everyone is turning this guy into some kind of folk hero. Insurance companies, like any company, have a duty to shareholders to maximize profits, not matter how ruthlessly. The radicle left espousing otherwise needs to grow the hell up.” This is supposedly his tweet, but this is how his kind and people like Brian think. Maximize profits over you workers and patients. Yet, there are those that support them. Please note not all Republicans or conservatives think this way.
An innocent man that couldn’t speak English was beaten to a bloody pulp by several men in New York at the same time this Brian guy got shot and you hear nothing about it. Innocent people are killed by gangs and other criminals and yet police do not put this much effort into catching the criminal or pull out the facial recognition software. This is why I have said in many articles that the police are the rich man’s bitch. They will go out of their way to protect government officials, which is understandable and protect the rich which is not understandable. The police need to realize their master’s do not care about them. How many times do you see some jerk allowing their dog, that would die for them sit out in the freezing cold to suffer. Well, the rich are the same with their cops.
People are fed up with the wealthy abusing the poor and the state of Heathcare in the United States. The rich man’s bootlickers are programmed to have any type of affordable Heathcare or the type they have in the nations of Europe, Canada or many other countries socialism or communism. Funny how those clowns cannot define those words. They do not mind being exploited by their boss or their company. They actually tell you that the company you work for owes you nothing. Well, labor lawyers would like to have a word with you if you think that. As I said, I do not support violence but people like Brian are worse than any gangbanger, drug dealer or murderer. Why you ask, well because more people die and suffer because of them. We would not have the crime we had if people were more financially sound and could get access to better education, Heathcare food and shelter. In my opinion the billionaires and their supporters are horrid people and let’s make it clear that not all billionaires are bad people.
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