Jesus Stuff and Christians and the Antichrist
In this article I will focus on Jesus’ stuff as well as Christians and their fabled End Times. You hear people claim that Jesus said be nice to everybody and that he would accept the LGBTQ. Now anyone that as read Jewish or Christian mythology knows that is not true. God was clear about homosexuality and Paul who claimed to get his ideas from Jesus just reiterates it. Plus, at what point did this god change his mind when the bible claims that God and in the New Testament Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
People actually think Jesu would be accepting of the LGBTQ. They bring up Jesus having prostitutes and sinners eating dinner with him but forget that this Jesus was a cult leader going after the most vulnerable. Her expected them to turn away from sin and follow him. Jesus also would not accept gay marriage because he said that marriage is between one man and one woman. Remember that in the Old Testament the men had one wife and a bunch of concubines not wives, except a few kings. Jesus also said that in the beginning God created them man and woman, so he certainly would not accept LGBTQ. You may ask, “why, if I am an atheist do I bring this up?” Honestly, I want the left to understand that Jesus was not the good guy you think he was. He supported slavery and used it in his stories. Please watch videos by Aron Ra and Matt Dillahunty and others.
When Jesus tells his followers that their enemies will be in their own households and he his turning families against each other, people need to know this is a manipulation technique. He knows that the family members of his followers will not be too happy with their conversion and even be concerned but it is easy to say they are enemies. Politicians and the religious do that a lot now. Pure cultist, manipulation tactic.
Remember Jesus came up with the concept of hell. You either believe without any evidence or you will be tortured for eternity. You can be a vile human being hurting people but get saved on your death bed and go to heaven while another person could spend their entire life helping others and making the world a better place and they will go to hell. That is Christian morality they talk about.
This is something I really need to understand if you refute the bible. The bible never once says what Christians can eat or wear. When that stuff is mentioned, the Old Testament makes it clear when it says The Nation of Isreal shall… and then lists these things. Colossians 2:16 proves you wrong if you think the bible cares what non-Jews eat or wear. Their god told the Israelites what to eat and wear only so they could be identified as being apart from the surrounding nations.
Remember that Jesus thought mental illness was demon possession, that there was a worldwide flood and the world was round among other things. Off topic, but for some reason preachers when I was in church always insulted women and seemed to hate their mothers-in-law
This will surprise Christians but show me in the bible where it says you will not know or be able to identify the antichrist. It does you do not know when the end times are but never anything about not being able to identify the antichrist. Who made Jerusalem part of Isreal and killed the two-city solution for Jerusalem? Who is most likely to have the Jewish Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem? Remember it has been said that it will be the Christians that bring the antichrist to power and that they will love him. Who do they love more than Jesus, (many said it)? Who did they build a golden statue of and say he was better than Jesus after calling Jesus too WOKE? I will let you figure it out.