How to spot an evil employer
It can be amazing just how thoughtless and unappreciative many employers are. From lack of proper pay, pay raises, lack of advancement opportunities and much more. Here is just some ways you can tell if an employer is just plain evil. I once made a satirical video pretending to be a manager that doesn’t pay properly and trapping employees and even though I labelled it as satire no one was bright enough to figure it out so I had to remove it.
Some employers will trap you at their company or educational institution by paying very low wages. It will usually not have a good reputation either. By doing this they know you will be more desperate for a job and more nervous during a job interview so you do not get that job and are stuck. Many employers also do not want to be the one that gives you a large pay increase so finding a job is difficult if you are low paid compared to your colleagues at other jobs. It just turns many employer’s stomachs to be the one to increase your pay so good luck getting hired.
They will complain about giving time off. These evil employers just can’t stand their employees taking any time off and want to schedule meetings during times when most employees would be off and offer no pay. They will get upset when no one shows up to those meetings because not many people are going to show up to work on their day off every week with no pay for a pointless meeting.
Many of these evil employers will advertise jobs they have no intention of filling just to make a false claim that no one wants to work and that workers are lazy. The government could crack down on this but they are too busy lining their pockets. These employers have the audacity to call their employees and workers lazy when they are greedy, evil, manipulative, soul-less sub humans.
These evil companies give very little to no pay increases. You can go years and even decades with out a pay raise and this goes back to my first point. You will see management or administration driving expensive cars, which students or customers will notice, and expensive suits but claim they have no money for raises. They might give you a 2% pay raise and act as if that is a major accomplishment and then you do not see another one after 15 years. When you are trapped in an evil place like this and nothing you do to get extra money or to get out of that place works you can eventually get so depressed that you simply give up on everything. Please check the history of the company or educational institution you plan to work for first. Also these places are fire happy. They will fire you for small things and will gladly tell employees that they are in charge and own you, even when you are off work. When I worked at McDonald’s when I was 16 the franchiser would say that employees were a dime a dozen and he hated giving raises. The next job, Pic N’ Save, the owner would no even look at us. You can look up what happened to Pic N’ Save.
A lot of these evil companies tend to pay new employees more because they really have no respect for their workers. Many of these evil places are not smart enough to realize that without their workers they would have no business or educational institution.
As with most jobs you have bootlickers. These are the people at your job or comment sections always defending employers. Many claim to operate their own business or claim to be managers, (funny how they do not get the same response I got from that video even those I labelled it satire). They will tell you to start your own business as if that is an excuse for businesses or educational institutions to pay such low wages. They will also claim that increasing pay will lead to lay offs and pay increases but many corporations are experiencing record profits and still raising prices and laying people off. They are greedy and evil so they are not going to care about their employees. These bootlickers will also tell you to get another job but many places pay and behave the same. One of the dumber things these creatures say is to pull yourself up by your bootstraps but many workers are too poor to afford bootstraps, (get a better education and such) and it is physically impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Many evil corporations and educational institutions will lower your job title without telling you so they can justify your low pay even though you are still paid a low wage even for that job title.
They will fire you for any reason and please note employers can only fire you for any legal reason. Many bootlickers will defend this until it happens to them. They also will never support you or be on your side. It’s always your fault and not the customer or student.
There is a lot more I could write but I will simply finish for now. Thanks for reading.