Biomutant Review
I want to start off by saying I do like this game, Biomutant, and I will do my best to review it. It has its flaws which I will mention as well as good points. Many games now use to, and some still allow you to check the options to see how to performs moves and actions, just in case you forget. Biomutant is not one of those games, sadly. Let’s get on with my review of Biomutant.
In my opinion, the worst part of Biomutant is the narration. The guy doing the narration is not the problem but the fact that everything, including character dialog is done by him. Biomutant could have given use subtitles to translate the character’s language into English or whatever language the play has but instead they have the narrator do everything. This, in my opinion, can get annoying.
Biomutant is open world, role-playing game, and there is a lot to explore but you must have resistance to the various elements first. This can get tedious when you start out and would like to do side quests and explore. You can choose I biome to for your creature to handle and I chose cold. I wish I chose heat instead, but I am sure there will be a cold area soon enough. You can level up these element traits, but it will take time.
The enemies are not too tough, and the missions are simple enough. I have not fought a world-eater yet, but they look like they will be challenging. This game also has puzzles to solve but even I can solve them. Many times, I have solved the puzzles by accident.
The world of Bicommutant is beautiful and vibrant. The world is full of color and takes place after an apocalypse and the species before left the planet. Our creature in Biomutant appears to be a mixture of a dog, raccoon and a rat but these are put together nicely. The enemies will attack you on sight and as I said, are not difficult to deal with. The narration can get annoying and sometimes you just want to turn it off, but you can’t. At least not currently.
There is a lot of trash left over by the previous inhabitants and just by sheer luck I found a toilet to unclog. The narrator uses primitive and tedious words to describe these things, just like the TV show, Buck Rogers in the 1970’s. Buck Rogers travels 500 years into the future after an apocalypse and in one episode the future guy says something to the effect that they need an unlocking mechanism for the door in which Buck Rogers gets annoyed and says, “why don’t you just call it a key?” You will feel the same way but at other times you will just laugh by how it sounds. Biomutant can be humous in this regard.
Biomutant employs martial arts style combat which can get predictable, but it is still fun. The combat in Biomutant is not challenging but you also get mutations you can use, such as fire, freeze and others. Biomutant has endings based on your choices. but they are not that important. Biomutant is a fun game and worth playing. Biomutant will not win game but it is still worth playing.
I hope you enjoyed by review of Biomutant and remember this game is worth your time. I hope you decide to read other items I have written here and read what other authors created and check out my YouTube channel and subscribe to the slowest growing channel and find me on Twitch (Ferrariking1955). Biomutant could be improved but it is worth your time. Thanks for reading.